FirmScribe is Removing Barriers to RCS Compliance

RCS iOS 18 a Compliance Nightmare


The recent developments surrounding the RCS iOS 18 Compliance Nightmare have left many firms reeling in uncertainty and fear. With regulatory bodies like the SEC and FINRA ramping up enforcement efforts, the risk of substantial fines looms large for those unprepared. This situation can feel overwhelming, as compliance becomes a complex maze fraught with potential pitfalls.

Whats going on?
In case you missed our previous update, Apple will be launching iOS 18 in just a few weeks. This new version is packed with numerous life-enhancing features, but one particular addition has sparked a Y2K 2.0-like compliance frenzy among businesses that are legally obligated to capture and review communications between employees and clients. The introduction of RCS (Rich Communication Services) on iPhones has sent many archiving and capture providers scrambling. You can read more here.

How is FirmScribe Trying to Help?
While our solution and customers are not wrapped up in this chaos we at FirmScribe do not want to see trusted firms face millions of dollars in fines because their current archiving and capture providers can’t capture RCS in iOS 18. 

That’s why FirmScribe is proud to announce we are reducing setup fees for firms directly affected by the RCS iOS 18 Compliance Nightmare.

“We are happy that we are in the position to help out the firms that are going through this compliance nightmare by drastically reducing set-up fees for our RCS and iMessage Complaint Solution.” - Jordan Richardson, CEO

Set up an urgent RCS iOS 18 Compliance Archiving meeting with our team now.

By taking proactive steps now, firms can reduce risks, steer clear of hefty penalties, and focus on what really matters—serving their clients with integrity and transparency. The road ahead might have its challenges, but together, we can tackle this compliance mess and you can come out even stronger with the added benefit of iMessage and RCS capture.

This Story Continues to Develop……